Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hi Ms.B! :)

hello Ms. B!
how are you feeling?
i've been doing great (i guess i'll mention this every time i post)
i really miss you. i've been having trouble getting a post in every once and a while.
i've been sick with a cough and haven't been at school for two days.
it's been kinda wierd imgaining my budds in first period while i watch TV and drink hibiscus tea.
i guess that tea part is irrelavent but o-well!
i can't get over wanting you to teach at madison!
you'd brighten my whole day. the nurse there is kinda scary/intimidating...she told me that she didn't usually send kids home for a cough and headache but since it was my FIRST time in there.... well hopefully you get my point.
post soon!
patty, paul, callan, and august

P.S. the quiz that SOMEHOW got posted on here was totally a glitch. i meant to post it on MY OTHER blog, but it posted here, well gotta go.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Hey Lynn,

Thinking of you lots everyday! Thank you so much for the books! I received the Palmer book and am well into it---courage---so many things in life require courage. I was truly moved by your courage and strength last week---enjoyed every minute with you.
I love you.
