Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Miss You!

Hey Ms. Barnicle!
I miss you so much! its been way to long. it seems like forever ago i saw you walking you dogs by the park! i remember when my dad went throught chemo, it was really hard but just keep pushing through it and it will turn out all better. when the weather gets nicer you should come swimming and just get away and relax. for community service im planning on working down at the swedish medical cancer center :) im really excited. i miss you so much its unbeliveable. just have a positve attitude and surround yourself with the family and friends you love and will provide you with a stress free enviornment, it makes a world of difference. call anytime you need to get away. i look forward to seeing you when all this is over. the time will pass by quicker then you think. i promise.
love and hope,
alexa lenning

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