Saturday, November 29, 2008

No more pills for now!!

Thanksgiving was good and thank you to all that gave out a hand and offered so many things for my family, it especially means the world to Danny and I.  Mom has been home which has been a nice change compared to the hospital life for all of us.  Her hair is beginning to fall out from the chemo but she is not to worried about that which is good.  Her good white blood levels have reached a point where for now she does not need to take all of the antibiotic pills.  This is good and means that for a few days she is less vulnerable to infection.  She will be going back into the hospital on Tuesday for another week or two of chemo. 
Thank you again for all of your support and generosity towards my family.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that our family is thinking of you and sending our positive thoughts and energy your way as you fight this battle. You have touched us and so many other families over the years with your positive attitude and incredible ability to teach. Here's hoping that you are now receiving just as much of that positive energy as you have given to all of us.

Suzanne, Doug, Janelle and Ryan